The Jülich Meteocloud is a joint data repository for meteorological reanalyses, model data, and satellite observations.
The Meteocloud is operated by the Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK) and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC).
This web site provides user information and an overview on the data sets available in the archive.
The archive is located on the Juelich Storage System (JUST) and can be directly accessed on JUDAC, JURECA, or JUWELS:
The access to the archive is restricted to registered users of the Jülich supercomputing facility.
Further information for registered users can be found in the git repository and the group chat.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:
Please find the links to documented data sets on the meteocloud below:
directories sorted by name
FASTDATA directories sorted by size
FASTDATA directories sorted by date
ARCH2 directories sorted by name
ARCH2 directories sorted by size
ARCH2 directories sorted by date
Last update: 03/14/2025, 07:14:30